Cucumis - Servicio gratuito de traducción en línea
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Todas las traducciones

Traducciones solicitadas - Rika Bafa

Idioma de origen
Idioma de destino

Resultados 1 - 2 de aproximadamente 2
Idioma de origen
Inglés Safety of Fishing Vessels (DFSO)‏
Dear All,

Please find attached the final version and the budget distribution for the
DFSO proposal. As you know, this is a 2-stage submission. At the moment we
have submitted only for the 1st stage. If we get the green light to proceed
(results are coming out in February) then we have to submit a much more
detailed proposal. We will keep you posted.

I would like to thank you all for your contribution and support and to wish
every success with this project.

Kind regards,
British English

Traducciones completadas
Griego Ασφάλεια των Αλιευτικών Σκαφών (DFSO)